Sunday, March 9, 2014

Alert! Serious Beauty Purchase Made!

Oooooh my goodness.  I am GIDDY WITH EXCITEMENT!  Today I purchased my first extra fancy eyeshadow palette!  Do I have any idea what I'm doing or how exactly to use it?  No!  Do I have the first idea about blending or primers? No!  Do I have a single clue when it comes to wet-dry shadows? No!  But eeeee, I'm so excited!

I was shopping at Sephora today, and my BFF has been considering the Urban Decay Naked 3 Palette for a while.  We were checking it out, and I was pretty interested in purchasing, but realized that I wasn't really into a fully-neutral palette, especially one that was so pricey.  I really like eyeshadows that are brown and purple, so I was hoping to find a palette that had both of those shades and a little bit of shimmer.

And THEN!  I stumbled upon Too Faced Return of Sexy...and oh me oh my I fell in love.  It was so pricey, but the colors were so beautiful.  I stroked the shadow with my finger tips and almost fainted with happiness at the sparkly softness, and it came with a black eyeliner and sample primer (NEVER used that before).  So I bought it.  It will definitely be a learning experience, but I'm excited!  If anyone has any tips or tricks for BEGINNERS, I welcome them!

Here is my picture of the palette; I tried to get the colors as true to life as possible.

I randomly searched instagram's #toofaced tag...and I stumbled upon this:

I cannot even count how many different steps were used to create her makeup look, and while I think it looks good, that is just WAY over the top for me.  My goal is to stay low maintenance, but feel pretty.  I feel like I can accomplish that without 700 steps and 9852 different products.  Right?!

I also got a lipstick today!  I have never been big on lip color (I have a hot Barbie pink I wear when I play roller about bout day makeup another time!), but my BFF gave me her MAC Angel today and it looks so pretty on me!  She didn't like it, so I was lucky to inherit it!  Hooray me! (WHHHHHY does MAC lipstick smell so good?!)

Look, I'm a grown up!  I left a lipstick smudge on my coffee cup. ;)

1 comment:

  1. My friend (who pretty much matched her eyeshadow to her outfits) showed me that blending in circles with a small eyeshadow brush is how hers blended so works!!
