Monday, March 10, 2014

March Birchbox - Spring Forward

Yay, it is here!  My Birchbox for March, themed Spring Forward, arrived in the mail today!

This was a pretty good haul, although I kind of freak out at how many skin products I was sent.  There is a "rescue balm," a tinted sunscreen (interested in this product for sure, but what if the tint doesn't match m skin?!), an enzymatic face rejuvenator (sounds like it'll be good for exfoliation), a styling lotion for curly/frizzy hair, and tea and chocolates.

Here is the front and the back of the card that came in the box:

And of course a close-up of the box contents:

So I'll be trying out these products over the next few days and I'll let you know what the final verdict is.  I had an AMAZING detangling/conditioning spray in a past Birchbox called Beauty Protector that I absolutely fell in love with and bought the full-size, so I've been using that for my after-washing hair styling.  I'm interested to see how the Curl Keeper compares.  And with it getting warm and sunny outside and the beach being in my near future, I'm definitely interested in anything with SPF in it!

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